Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm in pain. Serious pain. Liv and I were brushing our teeth when Taylor Swift came on the radio. We did what any mother and daughter would do when a mirror and Taylor Swift was available...we danced. Liv was having a great time, and I had a fantastic idea that I would put her on my shoulders. It was all fun and games until I took her off from my shoulders. Shooting pain is exactly the description I would use. I knew as soon as I did it that it wasn't going to just go away. So here I sit, at almost 5pm still in pain and hardly able to move without being completely awkward. I'm hoping that this will feel significantly better by tomorrow. If not, I may need to go see someone. Any advice? I have some advice for myself...next time I have the urge to lug my 30lb child on my shoulders, don't...just don't. ::sigh::


  1. oh no! I threw my back out when H was 3 months. I didn't pick him up for an entire day (lucky Kev was home) and took a hot bath and some motrin. I was good as new the next day. Hope you feel better soon!
    You know what my Dr said to me. You need to do some ab workouts to help your core. Thanks buddy. I did JUST have a baby.

  2. oh geez - my olivia is also 30 lbs and i have learned (the hard way - huge muscle strain in my right arm from swinging her around) that i can't be bouncing her around like a gosh darn circus act. hope you feel better. bath, a glass of wine and heating pad would be my orders :)

  3. Thanks girls! I took some tylenol, had a bath, and lived on my heating pad. I definitley feel better today...still a little stiff but I thought I was going to die yesterday so I'm happy with this haha. And yeah...I told Carolyn yesterday that I may need to go get that gym pass seeing its been awhile...I told Pat that carrying Liv around on shoulders is his job though :)

  4. That is awful. :( Heating pad - otherwise I really don't know. And it's horrible being an invalid and having a mobile kid. Insurance should pay for on call nannies...

  5. oh god, on call nannies would be where its at :)
