Tuesday, February 16, 2010

teething terror

I've been going back and forth about whether Liv has been teething or not, because how do you really know??? Well there is no denying it now. I can actually see the little teeth, two of them to be exact, both on the bottom. Liv has been so pitiful...she is ornery, runny nosed, and only wants her mom. So we have been doing a lot of cuddling. It made for a long day and i'm hoping it doesn't make for a long night. I have been alternating baby tylenol and motrin and also have baby orajel. I tried buying teething tablets...I was at walmart and there was one little box left, picked it up and it felt light, so I opened it and of course someone had stolen the teething tablets! So, I haven't tried those. I also have been feeding liv frozen fruit in those feeder thingys (the ones with the mesh). Anybody have anything they swear by for teething??? I would love some ideas. I have no pictures for this post because it would have been full of tears, snot, and drool :).


  1. Oh Desi...this will pass and it sounds like you are doing everything possible to comfort her...you are a great Mom!! Hang in there!

  2. Teething is horrible. I'm right in it with you. Isabella cut her first teeth when she was 7 months old within a week of each other, both on the bottom. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. If you can pick up the Hylands teething tablets I found those helped if I used them before the pain got really bad. Like when I would see her sucking on her gums. Hopefully those teeth pop out quickly.

  3. Thank you! I'm gonna go on the search for some teething tablets today :)

  4. Is it getting any better? You are scaring me, ha ha. Arianna has shown NO signs of teething yet though..I wonder if it's better or worse as they get older? Anyway, I have known so many people that SWEAR by those teething tablets, so good luck finding them and you'll have to let us all know how they work!

  5. New follower! Same background and your DD is four days older than ours! Love the blog! Check ours out when you get the time! http://babymakesfour-tsands.blogspot.com/
