Friday, October 9, 2009


Thank god its Friday?? Really...I don't work, so every day is Friday. But its Friday for my mother, which means I get 2 full days of help and the ability to take a shower and share feedings. YES. I have got everything set to start working next week though! I'm really looking forward to it actually. Liv will be with her great grandma (grammy), so there is nothing to stress about. She isn't going to daycare...yet anyways.

In other news, Liv got a rash on her her many chub rolls. So I brought her to the walk-in clinic and she got an antibiotic and i've just been cleaning and keeping her neck dry. She seems fine on the antibiotic smells awful so I'm sure it doesn't taste good. She doesn't gulp it down, but I can coax her to take it ha. We are going to do a little shopping this weekend for Liv. She needs a winter jacket and some winter clothes. I also need some dress pants for work. Here are some photos and a little video from this morning.

Having a little chuckle...silent of course. I haven't gotten the real thing out of her.

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