Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Confessions, Coffee, and Falls

So I have a little confession to make. Liv and I have been extremely lazy on our trip. We usually wake up every day, if I don't work, around 8 or 9am. Well since we've been staying up a little later, we have also been sleeping until like 11 or 12! Ok yeah its a bit ridiculous. Anyways, its finally catching up with us and Liv just doesn't want to go to bed at her regular time. I decided I needed to change things this we woke up at 9am. I dragged my butt out of bed to enjoy some instant coffee (ya) and my little monkey this morning.

Side note: instant coffee. So its pretty popular over here...not sure why, but to be honest its not as bad as I thought it would be, but its not good either. Plus as of right now, we don't have any milk so I have to drink it black with sugar. Forget creamer and definitley don't dream of flavored creamer. It's milk. The coffee barista looked at me like I was crazy when I asked for cream. Instant coffee will have to do until I leave the house and pick up an Americano...because half of the coffee shops don't have regular coffee either :).

Ok now back to our morning...I spent it playing and taking pictures of Liv. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Don't let the starbucks mug fool you

I posted this to show the mess that is Liv's head, blonde and brown with a black mohawk?

Screaming, just in case I wasn't listening to what she was saying

The pillow is there for a reason...that will soon be revealed.

How we started...sitting like a big girl.

Then she ended up like this

Still smiling

Trying to get up

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