Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pregnancy Update

Wow, time flies when you're having fun. Or when you are sleeping by 9pm every night.

I completely failed on this pregnancy update thing. I am currently 27 weeks......the last time I posted, I was 16 weeks.....How does 11 weeks go by and you don't even realize it? I should take this as a good thing. My pregnancy is flying by....did you know it's October tomorrow?! Not sure how that happened either.

Here are the details:
How Far along: 16 Weeks 4 days

Due Date: December 28th and i'm sticking to it.....I suppose I can deal with this date, it's in between two major holidays, poor guy.

Symptoms: Still tired. I haven't had any surges of energy this time around. I am going to contribute this to a 5 year old that started kindergarten (which takes more brain power and memory than I have the capacity for lately, you should see the calendar in my phone, with reminder alarms, it's embarassing), and working full-time whilst trying to keep this house up, I get tired even typing this.

Cravings: I haven't really had specific cravings. I do get ideas in my head of things I need RIGHT NOW, but it's not consistent.

Sleep: It's alright. I've had some random early wake-ups that require me to do some reading to "hopefully" fall back asleep.

Things I'm missing: This answer will remain beer.

Movement: Oh yes, my boy moves way more than my girl. He especially likes to go crazy in the evenings, but he also likes to throw little parties after lunch.

Gender: omg....never announced this either....if you haven't noticed what gender I have been referring to, it's a BOY :).

I have been taking some pictures on my phone.....some, and I have realized how much I love black. Seriously, get a new color Desi.

22 weeks

24 weeks

25 weeks

Thursday, July 17, 2014

16 Weeks

How Far along: 16 Weeks 4 days

Due Date: Still between Dec. 24-28th.....I will most likely have a better idea August 1st, which is the BIG ultrasound.

Symptoms: I've been tired....Pat has been away for work all week and I've reached my limit. The cherry on top was a tantrum @ soccer tonight and a nice knee to the face when trying to get her in the bath....which caused a almost crying parent moment, but we pulled through and she was sleeping 2 minutes after hitting her pillow.

Cravings: Meh. Nothing. I still need to be better about cooking....maybe some meal planning this weekend? If I don't have a plan I will not be successful during the week. AND even though I know this....I still slack in this department.

Sleep: Great. No complaints....I read every night and have been falling asleep with my kindle still open next to me.

Things I'm missing: Still beer......it was a hot week. Energy would be good....still waiting to get more of that. I'm really exhausted by the end of my work day and that is where the not making dinner thing is stemming from. I have a much bigger house to clean nowadays and I am also struggling with this.

Movement: no traditional flutters and what not, but this little girl/guy likes to hang out in the lower right quadrant of my belly...where I can see a little bulge when "it's" hanging out down there.

Gender: August 1st. Super pumped because Dani will be in town and gets to come to my ultrasound also!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm Back

I'm just going to cut to the chase....this happened.

And, in all fairness, I feel the need to document the baking and life of this small nugget, as I did the same for his/her sister. So with that, I've found the motivation to come back to blogging. Life is changing and a lot has been going on in these parts, but I will start out with a fun pregnancy survey and more updates on life will come shortly.

How Far along: I am 14 weeks today.

Due Date: Ummm....anywhere from December 24-28th (poor planning) and surprisingly I've been very laid back about the whole, every time I go to a different appointment/ultrasound, my due date changes. I'm sure when Christmas comes around I won't be so la-dee-da about the whole "when is this baby coming" thing, but for now, this is ok.

Symptoms: Today? none really....but I was extremely sick for the first few months. I've been feeling great for the last 3 weeks. This was new, as I got sick when pregnant with Liv, once....and that was it. This time was a mix of puking each morning from brushing my teeth to drinking carbonated beverages at night to make it to 8 o'clock for bedtime. 8 o'clock is being generous.....sometimes 7:30 was my limit.

Cravings: Like last time, sugary drinks are on the top of my list. Also, baked potatoes with sour cream?? Well any kind of potatoes have been calling to me. On the other hand, I have been completely turned off by chicken....I need to learn my lesson on this one, as I keep ordering chicken on salads and such and then not eating it. I've also been pushing myself to eat breakfast, as I usually don't make the time to do so....but it's obviously a must when pregnant, so I've been making sure to do that.

Sleep: Pretty decent. No complaints. I've been having a lot of early bedtimes and that's key for me to not start feeling nauseous in the morning.

Things I'm missing: Well, not going to lie, I would have really liked to have enjoyed a beer with dinner on Saturday night....but I had a virgin caesar and that will have to do :). Also, having deli turkey? I didn't miss this my last pregnancy, but because I wasn't feeling well, I wasn't doing as much cooking and was struggling with ideas for work lunches.

Movement: None

Gender: I have an idea.....but I will wait for confirmation.

So, I came back to my blog with a bang, and I'll be back soon.